Saturday, May 23, 2020

Lesson In Truth by Emily Cady Study Group

The second chapter




So this would be a great time to dust off your bible, and read John 4:24> Have several that I use; I like The Message Bible, because it is easy to read,The New Interpreters Study Bible, because it has books in the bible that are considered uncanonized in it and the history of the actual text, it really cool. But for this book Emily Cady used  The American Standard Version, which I am providing a link to now.


It is written in Old English so here is what the passage reads out of The Interpreters Bible,"God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit an truth.".


And here it is written out of The Message bible, " It is who you are and the way that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth".


That is another reason I like this book, because it anchors this passage of the bible so well. So we know God is Spirit. But then Emily took it one step further and defined Spirit. So let's look it up also. What does the dictionary say what spirit means? How many ways did you Find?

The best definition I found was, the non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.

But does sound more like ego, so for this purpose, of studying Lessons in Truth let use the definition found In the revealing word, by Charles Fillmore, and to which I have listed the link to here,

"Spirit- God as the moving force in the universe; Principle as the breath in of all creation; the principle of life; creative intelligence and life.".

I just think this has better meaning of the word Spirit, as Emily Cady is using it here.


So reading on, Does this change how you see God? 

Doesn't just blow your mind to think God is in everything, through everything, and is the creative force, that formed and created everything. What do you think about that?

So think about this, at the time this book was written, they did not yet have the ability to see the energy that hold every molecule together, but now we can, and that energy is God. So we can see God a bit. Now that is a good meditation, right? Great visual!

God is Spirit, or the creative energy that is

the cause of all visible things.

From  number 11, on page 19. where Emily writes," God, the source of our

existence every moment, is not simply omnipotent

(all-powerful); He is omnipotence (all power). He

is not alone omniscient (all-knowing) ; He is omniscience

(all knowledge). He is not only omnipresent,

but more—omnipresence.

God is not a being having

qualities, but He is the good itself. Everything you

can think of that is good, when in its absolute perfection, goes to make up that invisible Being we call God.".

 What does that bring up for you? Any questions?

Okay so I must give you this here, also is the meaning of "Error in Thought", is used instead of the word "Sin".

After reading this chapter all the way through, now go back and re-read it, and see what comes up. Do you have questions? Please also write in your journal, and please place any comment or question you might have here.



Lessons In Truth by Emily Cady Study Group

This is one of my favorite books. I read it all the time, re-read it when I am starting to get stressed out. I hope you like it too.

So the very first thing I want to talk about, in the first chapter of Lessons In Truth, is the idea of keeping you mind open, so you will not be putting, "New wine into Old Skins", Luke 5:37. So what does that mean to you?

(By the way, this would be a great time to also start a journal, just for this book. That way when you run into these questions, you can write them down. And anything that might come up. So if you have read chapter 1, re-read it, adding this tool.)

Can you become like a little child, in order to learn something new?


Have you stopped to think what it means to be heirs of God? Or joint-heirs with Christ?


What is your daily Meditation practice? Do you have one? Now would be a great time to start one!


When I started to learn to meditate, someone gave me some rosery beads, the gifted me the Honopono saying,"I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me thank you.", focusing on God, not asking for anything, just letting go of all thought, using each bead, to keep count. I still use it.

Learning to stop and take breath and letting go of everything, takes practice, just start with 3 minutes. What works for you?


Page 15,passage 38, In Lessons In Truth, it suggested that, "God is my Defense and my deliverance", to be used when we feel we have been wronged, and have forgiven someone. This would be a great thing to use during meditation.

Another, was "The Lord is My Sheppard, I shall not want", letting rest the things you may want, allowing God to take over knowing that God will bring it to you by just letting it go, allowing yourself  the knowledge that what come can and will be even better.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A New Christmas Story

A New Christmas Story

My Santa Claus
Cyndi Moore
And Her Granfather
John Portz

A Gift From Me to You
This is a tale about the belief in Santa Claus. It is my hope that it will help remind us that he lives in each one of us. My hope is to help you recapture that part of yourselves that you might have forgotten in such a hectic and stressful modern world.

The belief in Santa Claus comes easy for children, almost without question, and many children have faith in the warmth of the Spirit or God without needing proof. Children hold fast to the knowledge that the joy and happiness of the holiday season is not just from toys, but the gift of knowing that Christmas is more than just a man in a red suit- it is the very act of giving of one’s self to his fellow man.

This is a story about a man who was really Santa Claus, every day of his life, and gave all those who met him a incredible gift: the knowledge of what Christmas was truly all about.

Growing up in Northern California in the small town of Roseville, Christmas was a Magical time of year for me. To my young mind, we had the best Santa Clause a kid could ever meet, the best toy store ever, called The Treehouse, and the luck of Christmas carols flooding my head everyday when I sang in my school‘s choir.

I remember going to Treehouse Toys n Gifts, which was owned by Carl n Joanne Funk, with my mother, seeing toys that were unique and one of kind; toys so special, they seemed to be made for each child.

As if the feeling of The Treehouse Toy store was not awe inspiring by itself, at Christmas time, they had the best Santa Claus. He was just like the Santa Claus from “Miracles On 34th Street”, and from 1976-1980 this was my Santa Claus.

Santa Claus had a real white beard, the hearty, deep laugh; This santa was the dream of what children believe Santa should be, come to life.

This Santa was the true blue thing- right down to knowing everything I was doing. “Hey, Stacey, how are you doing? Are you still singing in the choir? How are your friends? Sandy, Cindy, Mish, Karen, Stephanie, Sarah," It did not matter who my friends were at the time, he knew them and he knew their names. He knew when I was having trouble with math one year, as if he had looked into his magic snow globe and really did know when I was sleeping, really did know if I had been bad or good. As a child it completely blew my mind!

At this time in my life, I also had the privilege to be apart of an award winning choir program, Under the direction of Gail Hauser. Having many medals under our belts, the schools I attended were triple superior choirs, and part of the one of the best music programs in the state of California.

In 1980, W.T. Eich was the only Junior High school in Roseville, which was the 7th and 8th grade for the whole city, who children were attending public school. Roseville also only had two high schools, Roseville High School and Oakmont High School. It did not matter what elementary school you might have attended, if you lived in Roseville, all 7th and 8th graders, went to school together. Kids that had been in the choir program at other schools in the city, now would be in one huge choir at the Junior High level.

Christmas time is when our choir really shined. Such amazing music came out of us, though we were just children.

Now that I have woven this string of connectedness, please follow along as I continue with my tale…….

In seventh grade I turned 12 years old; while most kids were out growing the belief of Santa, I began to feel embarrassed, because I still believed he was real. Can you imagine what was going through my mind? Talk about peer pressure! I thought I would die if any of my classmates or my friends knew my secret.

And with my child mind, I reasoned that maybe my friends just had not met my Santa Claus. I mean, I was a kid, I had met other Santa’s. I had seen the fake beards and the one’s without the jolly tummies. I could see how other kids would think that those Santa’s were not the real one, but simply an icon created to deceive. I really thought that if my friends met my Santa Claus they would change their minds- after all, my Santa was the real one! The man who knew everything!

I remember coaxing some friends to visit my Santa Claus that year. And of course he knew their names, and again asked about the choir. My friends did not know my extreme belief in the validity of the man they were talking with. I found some peace again.

It was the spring of 1980 when I learned the truth of why my Santa Claus knew so much about me. The Choir should have been my clue.

It was after our spring choir concert, when I saw my Santa Claus walking into the choir room. I froze! I watched as my Santa walked over to stand near one of the choir students. I watched as Mrs. Hauser walk over to greet my Santa Claus, and listened to him introduce himself as John Portz, Cyndi Moore‘s grandfather,  a girl whom sang in the choir with me, but until that year I had never met before.

I was in such shock. I was numb. My Santa Claus was just someone's grandfather. I looked and I stared. I could not believe what I was seeing. But then the humor of situation took over inside of my head. "Really, Stacey? Did you really think that your Santa wasn’t a real person?”.

You might have thought that seeing this person, that I really believed was Santa Claus, as just a person‘s grandfather, would have broken my heart. But I did not feel heartache, I felt joy. I was so amazed at the lengths Mr. Portz had gone to really get to know each and every child that sat on his lap.

Mr. Portz, my Santa Claus, gave me words of encouragement, words that inspired me, and I was a witness to the genuine love he gave of himself to the children he encountered.

But at this moment, when I now saw him as just a man, I realized that this giving of himself was not an act. Mr. Portz had not just been kind because he played the role of Santa Claus, it was because he really was a kind human being. My Santa Claus had given me and everyone he met the gift of knowing that Christmas is more than just a man in a red suit, but the very act of giving of one’s self to his fellow man.

I hope you can see the point of writing this story was not to tell you that there was no such thing as Santa Claus, because I can’t do that. I was there, I met him.

To quote “Miracles On 34th Street”, “Faith is believing in something even if common sense tell you not to.”.

During this time of year we see people struggling to make ends meet, wondering what Christmas is all about because all they feel is pain. I believe that my Santa Claus, Mr. Portz, showed us that we truly can give of ourselves and help our fellow man. Maybe reaching out to someone else, being unselfish, is the true holiday gift.

So now I have told you my tale and it is a gift from me to you. I would also like to share a poem with you, that further says what I hope my story has done, to show you that you are the light in God eye. And that twinkle can be seen in the eye of your neighbor, your friend, a stranger, or even My Santa Claus, Mr. John Portz . You only have to believe and have faith even when common sense tell you not too.

Santa Claus is every Where!

May you be blessed
with all things good.
May your joys, like the stars at night,
be too numerous to count.
May your victories be more abundant
than all the grains of sand
on all the beaches
on all the oceans
in all the world.
May lack and struggle be always
absent from your life
and may beauty order and abundance
be your constant companions.
May every pathway you choose
lead to that which is pure and good and lovely.
May every doubt and fear
be replaced by a deep abiding trust
as you behold evidence of a Higher Power
all around you.
And when there is only darkness
and the storms of life are closing in
May the light at the core of your being
illuminate the world.
May you always be aware you are loved beyond measure
and may you be willing to love unconditionally in return.
May you always feel protected and cradled
in the arms of God,
like the cherished child you are.
And when you are tempted to judge
may you be reminded that we are all ONE
and that every thought you think
reverberates across the universe,
touching everyone and everything.
And when you are tempted to hold back,
may you remember that love flows best when
it flows freely
and it is in giving that we receive
the greatest gift.
May you always have music and laughter
and may a rainbow follow every storm
May gladness wash away every disappointment
may joy dissolve every sorrow
and my love ease every pain.
May every wound bring wisdom
and every trial bring triumph
and with each passing day
may you live more abundantly than the day before.
May you be blessed
And may others be blessed by you.
This is my heartfelt wish for you.
May you be blessed.

With many loving thoughts and healing blessings

Sierra Gardens
School Choir
I would like to thank Cyndi More, Sandy Broyle, Janet Broyles, and Sarah Royer for help with this blog. I also thank friend Geoffrey for his wonderful poem
from The Temple of Peace, at .

Blessings to all! Love and Light!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Positive Thoughts Can Cure The Economy!

The panic of our economic melt down is worse then the common cold, but the change in your attitude can be the most powerful dose of antibiotics you ever receive, and has the power to cure the whole world. Yahoo!

Just like a cold, your thoughts about how things are going, in regards to money,health, your life, not only affect your well being but are contagious. Every time you throw up your hands in worry about your life's hardships, it like throwing up on your neighbor. Yucky!

Do you know that your thoughts were that powerful? Well they are! Your words and thoughts are so powerful that the whole word has decided to be broke!

So how can your own words and thoughts help change things, even the economy, in your life?
Bring your Monkey mind to listen, (Yes that is right you can listen to Stacey_zzz on BlogtalkRadio show Follow Your Bliss!), to what I am saying, and wonderful tools,(Which you will find on this page!), to help you change your life, refocus your words and thoughts upon abundance, flow, allowing, gratitude, and joy..Yes True Bliss!
Because your positive thoughts are going to the penicillin, the vitamin C to get over and cured of this cold that our economy is having, know as lack. And since positive thoughts and words have more powerful, and more contagious, your positive thoughts have the power to help cure the whole world!

I am going to teach to be your own cheerleader!

So my first question to you is where is your focus?
Do you see that what you are focused upon is what you are attracting? Please turn off the Television or at least turn the channel when news of the economy is given. For one thing it not telling you the truth of what is going right now! It is only telling you about the stinky cold germs, from past thoughts and action. Those are now gone for you! How the economy looks right now is based on the results from the words, thoughts and where you and everyone had their attention in the past. And the past is done!
Where your attention is right now is what is forming your future financial health.
So you need to choose what you want for your financial future, by holding your attention in the present.
Do you choose to have the lack of money or do you choose, by using your positive thoughts to have abundance of Money?
You can have it!

And the strength and power of your sun-shinny positive thoughts now, have so much healing power, not only for yourself, but for everyone 10,000 times over.

Fear and doubt can be as addictive as any drug and when you surround yourself with positive thoughts it like putting on your warmest sweater on a cold stormy day, protecting you, and bring positive things to you.

To quote Abraham from Esther and Jerry Hicks book, "The Law of Attraction", "That which you really want you get--and that which you really do not want, you get.".

Being in a state of panic over the economy will only get you more reasons to be in a state of panic. Again if what you are focused upon is what you receive.
So change you furture now!

First Know what you want. Set you attention by taking time first thing everyday by saying out loud to yourself or writing it in a journal, "This is what I want and this is what I am going to do to get it, Universe please so me the direction as where I need to go so that my life will be filled with joy and happiness!". This must be with as much joyful and positive energy as you can. Then next be gratiful, list everything that brings you joy and that you are blessed with having in your life.
Yes being thankful is a useful tool for healing and setting things in a more postive direction in your life!
Yep make everyday Thanksgiving time!

Then at night, before you go to bed, be greatful for thing that showed that went positive, and really dream big about how you would like things to go tomorrow. Again ask the universe to point you in thie direction that will bring you the joy and happiness you seek within your life.
Then pay attention. If you start to feel fear or resistance within yourself, because the direction as to how things are starting to showing up, stay in the now, the present, then restate want.
Now I know when you are up to your eye balls in the muck and yuck, of things not going well, it is hard to be positive but this when being positive is the most important. So redirect your thoughts, dance sing a happy song, snuggle a teddy bear, yes, Yes! Be silly! These things will help you change your vibration back to a positive one.
This only a first step, but one that will help set your future in a more positive direction, so be kind to yourself and others. A smile is a great start and remember,

Your positive thoughts have the power to cure this Cold! And with your Happy thoughts you too can help Heal the world!

For more great tools Listen to Stacey_zzzz on Blogtalkradio show "Follow Your Bliss"

Also check out these webs site for more great tools to help you fine You Bliss!

Click Here!
Visit Nan Akasha, at her web site Create Your Own Reality Now!

Read Mike Dooley's "notes From the Universe"

Discover the hidden secrets behind Cosmic Ordering!

This is The Ultimate Self-development CD Kit,containing NLP, Hypnosis and Brainwaves

Here are also the greatest Marketing tools on earth!
By Dr Joe Vitale
By Dr.Joe Vitale and Larry Dotson
By Dr Joe Vitale

Do you want to change your life? Try this for free!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Oh My God! I am Running Out Gas and Money! Help!

Oh My God! I am Running Out Gas and Money! Help!

Do not panic! You are going to be just fine!
Don't you just hate people like me! They are always telling you to calm down, stay calm, do not worry, as if they were from an another planet!
Don't you want to just yell at them and say,
“Hey, Look I am drowning, I am afraid, why can't you understand that? **!!@*&*&#$!!Bleep** Bleep**!!".
Now take a deep breathe, come with me for just a moment, and I will help you find your Bliss!
Even In this moment, when the world looks like it is going to Hell in a hand basket, I will help remind you to be grateful now.
For right now is all you have, just this moment.
Let me show you back to yourself, your Bliss, Help you to shift back to your bliss. Come on, Come with me!
Oh Yeah! Ask me latter how that crazy monkey Followed his Bliss! Ha! He even has a Voice now!
Look I know telling you to be calm, in the middle of a crises, can drive you crazy, but what if I told you that the solution to any problem you might have, was in you taking that exact action, Staying Calm.
You first choose to be calm, and then boom!
A solution will appear.
Easy Right?
Okay go with me on this, and I will tell you how powerful your mind is!
But that is the key!
You must believe first, that you indeed have the power to decide if something is good or bad, it really is your choice.
Okay I heard that! I can hear that monkey chattering in your head already! It is telling you," Yeah but I do not have power over how much things cost? Yeah but look how High Gas is right now! I don’t have power over that! Yeah but Are you telling I have power over all that?". Yeah but, Yeah but, Yeah but! Shh! Quiet! Silent your Monkey!
Yep, yes, exactly!
You, I, and everyone have that power. You have the power to quiet the monkey mind and have everything we desire in our lives. We also have the power to attract solutions to any and every problem but first you must believe that! You must believe in that power that is within you and each and every one of us.
Once you see that you have the power to solve any problem, then your problems will go Pfoof!
Is it magic?
This is more powerful then magic, it is your power, and it can explode just like TNT.
Follow along with me and I will tell you how!
In the Movie and book, "Matilda", by Roala Dahl and Quentin Blake, there is a moment when little Matilda discovers she can move things with her mind, during a time when she was really mad.
Now stay with me for a moment!
You will see my point here!
Matilda discovered her power when she was upset, but she discovered that with practice, being positive gave her the control of her own power, so that when she focused her power, she was then able to control it.
Once she became calm, but still passionate, about what she wanted to do, she soon had a great gift. She Discovered TNT!
Now the idea of TNT comes from Claude M Bristol's book, "TNT, The Power Within You", (Yes please get a copy for yourself. You will find a link at the bottom of the page!).
In the book, Claude states,
“During a crisis Stay calm, because the best ideas come when your mind is open.”.
So First, when you find yourself is the middle of a mental melt down, if possible, First get quiet. Yes again Hush your Monkey! Pray, Meditate, Journal, but get yourself calm.
Then second get creative,(if you listen to my last Blogtalkradio show, You will hear me talking about this also!
Yep paint, draw, go bowling, take a walk, but start yourself in naming the things you are grateful for right now.
Even when things appear to to be at there worst, they are only as bad because you have told yourself it they are. I know that is hard to hear when you are in the the middle of everything falling in on you, but it is like the person who thinks they are drowning and are really standing in 3 feet of water. So yes in a way I am saying to you,
“Calm down! Stand up! Breathe! Believe! You have every thing you need!”.
I like journaling, myself, when I have a problem. It helps me baby step myself to a solution but also reminds me, what I have already told you, I only have this moment. Right now. So whatever happened yesterday is gone. Whatever, you or I might be afraid of happening tomorrow, is just an illusion, because there is no way for us to know, if we are going to be here anyway.
You must be grateful now! You must be present right here, in this moment, for all we get is the here and the now.
See, there goes another moment.
Okay so not to be morbid, but if this was your last second on earth, how important would you see the price of gas being right at this moment?
When I am journaling I ask myself questions exactly like that. I get silly and I rant, and then I get quiet, I meditate, pray, and take myself out of judgement.
Some of my greatest mistakes turned out to be my greatest lessons and put me in exactly the right moment. Right here, present, with you.
Asking the questions of yourself,
“What can I do to help myself right now?”, calmly, will give yourself room to find a solution your problem.
Let’s use the price of gas. You could ride your bike, ride a bkie and share it with others, take a bus, carpool, convert you car to run on water,( No really! Very cheap to do and it won’t effect you cars warranty because it is not permanent!
So the next time you start to worry and have yourself a old fashion fit, over something going wrong in your life, remember to:
1) Take a breathe! Get Calm!
2) Do something creative to help yourself feel joyful again!
3) Remember you have the power within yourself to find the joy and Bliss within your life!
If you need help, getting the positive words you need too get the monkey chatter to stop in your head, come listen to Follow Your Bliss! With Stacey_zzzz!
Be grateful Now! Find your own Bliss by shifting your mind now. For right now is all that you have now.
Which do you choose? To be happy or stay stuck? You have the power to choose! So love yourself and give yourself the love you deserve, you can be happy right now! So choose!
Love and Light!
Come listen every Friday night at 8pm PST or at any time in the archives, Stacey's BlogtalkRadio site!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What Can The Stain On That Guy’s Shirt Teach You About Getting Clear With Your Goals?

I was working at my desk and my friend was in the other room watching the television, when I heard this deep belly laugh. My friend was laughing so hard that I stopped what I was doing, got up, and went to see what it was he was laughing about.

(Oh by the way ask me latter how the monkey found its Bliss!)

As I walked into where my friend is watching the TV, I hear the show “Family Guy” playing, both at the same time, in Spanish and English, running over each other. I was in tears, I was laughing so hard! I heard Spanish coming out of one speaker, English out the other. I could not understand what was being said in either language and the sound was pure nonsense.

Can you see where I am going with this?

This made me think about the commercial of the talking stain. Have you seen this? A guy is in a job interview and he had a dark coffee brown stain on his very white dress shirt. The stain is so big and distracting that every time this poor guy begins to speak, the stain speaks over him and it sounds like nonsense.

Do you see how this can apply to selling goals?

Can you picture in your mind, how the universe might have a hard time hearing you, when asking it for your heart’s desire, your dreams, your Bliss, if you don’t believe what you are asking for is possible?
Can you see, if you are having these two energies going out to the universe, at the same time, with passion, one positive, one negative, running over each other, how it might sound like the talking stain on that poor guy’s shirt?
Can you picture in your mind two magnets, being put together at their ends, and your goals or dreams in the middle, both ends pushing away and your dreams are then left without the energy they need to see them to manifest and then come true?
Your feelings and beliefs about your goals have the power to determine whether you are aligned to receive your desired out come.
Let me say this again! And you know this to be true already. If you believe in yourself and believe you deserve to have good things in your life, those positive thoughts have the power to bring those good thing into your life.
You first ask for what you want, being clear of all the details. Then you must believe. You must believe that what you want in your life, you truly deserve to have. Your passion to see your dreams come true has the power to help your dreams come true; you just have to believe it. Pure Bliss!
Do you believe in yourself?
Once you believe, the tools that you need to make it so will show up. How? The how is not your job! You just need to believe that it will. You get clear, map it out, and then trust that the universe, and really trust yourself, believe with all your passion and then live it like it already here.
Your power to have
everything you could ever want or need is
in how much you believe!

You must choose to believe there is an
abundance of everything! Money, gas
housing, clothes, food, everything!

Do you know how to change your thoughts
to positive ones? Do you know how to
Follow Your Bliss?
You probably already know this, you have heard of "The Secret", you know about the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, but they just don't seem to work for you. You have not found your Bliss? If this is how you feel then this Tele-Party is exactly what you need.

Even after you have read these words I know the whole idea of having a life that gives you such joy, and pleasure that your eyes roll back in your head, your Bliss! Sounds like fun right?

Well travel to the future...( click the link and travel)...But wait! don't do it yet!

You see I want everyone to find their travel into your future and see how I can help you find your Bliss....check it out. Take the Tele-Party and find out how great life can really be for you. I love to go to a great party, Don't you? And you can learn to have such abundance and joy that you will spend the rest of your life on this earth happy! I want you and everyone to have the gift of finding their Bliss!

You want to know how the monkey found his Bliss? Then Follow Yours...

Not ready to take that leap of faith and go to the party? Then come hear me speak on blogtalkradio,

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How Long Did Conan O'Brien Spin His Ring?

How Long Did Conan O'Brien Spin His Ring?

Have you watched Late Night with Conan O’Brien recently? Well I don’t usually watch the show because it comes on during the time I am working. But last night I was having trouble keeping focused on my work, so I though I would take a break and watch it.

Now, if you are like me, you have music or the television on sometimes while you work. It is my white noise, because it can be on but you are not really listening to it. Do you do this? (Ask me latter how the monkey Followed his Bliss!)

Now let this sink in a moment, because at first, when I started watching the show, if you can imagine, I though this was a joke, and was laughing like everyone was. Apparently Conan has been trying to get his wedding ring to spin longer. Yes, you heard me! He has been spinning his wedding ring on desks and different surfaces to see if he can keep it spinning longer.

Do you remember being a kid and doing this with pennies? Allow yourself to remember, standing the penny up on its side, giving it a hard twist, and then watching it spin crazily, until it stopped. Do you remember how excited you got? Well that was what this was like, and Conan O’Brien had that little child like excitement. Do you remember what it is like? Do you remember feeling that excited about something?

Just think about it.

However, this was not a joke! Conan O’Brien had invited a physics Professor by the name of Peter Fisher, from MIT, on the show to help him answer the question of “How to Get His Wedding to Spin Longer?”!

Conan O’Brien opens the Professor’s Notebook to show the mathematical computations the Professor had written to help Conan figure out this problem. Now stop and pay attention! Because this is really something you should know!

You see, Professor Fisher started to try to figure out the answer to Conan’s question. He thought about all things he could try, to get the ring to spin longer, using everything he knew, every scientific mathematical formula, and you could see he had done that by all the work that was shown in Professor’s notebook.

But then the Professor said, and now you really will see and understand my point now, he said when he could not figure out the answer to Conan’s question of, “How to Get His Wedding to Spin Longer?” he decide to do something else. First, he went to the website called, (Okay people really laughed at this okay, but rare people like you saw what I did, pure Brilliance!), then he ask the question of his students, and then finally got 2 solutions when he started working with his daughter on the question.

Did you notice my point yet?

The first solution that worked solves rubbing petroleum jelly on Conan’s desk and a small amount on Conan’s ring, the ring sun for 41 seconds. The second solution, which got the best results, involved spinning the ring on a sheet of Teflon, the ring spun then for 51 second.

Now I can hear you now, the monkey chatter has started! Your monkey voice is saying, “Yeah but! What does that have to do with Following Your Bliss?”

Easy! Physics Professor Peter Fisher said it! He said that he kept trying to solve the problem himself, it became hard, so he let it go. He used the question to help teach his students, helping others always helps to make something fun again. The Professor then gave the question to his daughter, finding joy in being able to share the moment with her, because fathers love sharing what they now with their children, Pure bliss! And once the excitement of solving the question became fun again, it became easy and the Professor and his daughter solved it.

Professor Peter Fisher teaches physics at MIT, he is a brilliant man, because he knows, just like the intelligent person you are, that when you are working on something or are learning about something for the first time, if it becomes hard, in your mind, you are not going to learn it very well. Once the Professor found his passion and joy of teaching, His Bliss! The answers for the question came and it was easy!

The Professor knows this do you?

Do you know how to change your thoughts

to positive ones? Do you know how to
Follow Your Bliss?

You probably already know this, you have heard of "The Secret", you know about the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, but they just don't seem to work for you. You have not found your Bliss? If this is how you feel then this Tele-Party is exactly what you need.

Even after you have read these words I know the whole idea of having a life that gives you such joy, and pleasure that your eyes roll back in your head, your Bliss! Sounds like fun right?

Well travel to the future...( click the link and travel)...But wait! don't do it yet!

You see I want everyone to find their travel into your future and see how I can help you find your Bliss....check it out. Take the Tele-Party and find out how great life can really be for you. I love to go to a great party, Don't you? And you can learn to have such abundance and joy that you will spend the rest of your life on this earth happy! I want you and everyone to have the gift of finding their Bliss!

You want to know how the monkey found his Bliss? Then Follow Yours...

Not ready to take that leap of faith and go to the party? Then come hear me speak on blogtalkradio,